I do like coffee. One of my preferred ways of brewing it is with the moka pot (caffettiera, macchinetta) or in German just Espressokanne.
Unfortunately I did forget it on the gas stove more than once. Sometimes I was able to rescue the pot, other times it was just burnt and I had to get a new one (unable to throw the old ones out, of course). So over the years the collection of aluminium pots grew and on some drunken nights we discovered their artistic potential.
Now (as of April 2020) during the Corona-lockdown I had a lot of time to do some senseless but fun projects. So turning the discarded espresso-makers into marionettes with some screws, nuts and bolts the gang came to live and formed the Coffebots.

Großartig Danke!
Und sei bloß vorsichtig Du hast klagefreudige Vorlagen gewählt. ;-))