I do like coffee. One of my preferred ways of brewing it is with the moka pot (caffettiera, macchinetta) or in German just Espressokanne.
Unfortunately I did forget it on the gas stove more than once. Sometimes I was able to rescue the pot, other times it was just burnt and I had to get a new one (unable to throw the old ones out, of course). So over the years the collection of aluminium pots grew and on some drunken nights we discovered their artistic potential.
Now (as of April 2020) during the Corona-lockdown I had a lot of time to do some senseless but fun projects. So turning the discarded espresso-makers into marionettes with some screws, nuts and bolts the gang came to live and formed the Coffebots.
[it’s my blog-ego writing. not myself at all]
Habe gerade eine Seite aus Peter Kurzecks „Über’s Eis“ zugeschickt bekommen und die muss natürlich hier rein (Es geht um die Espressokannengriffe auf dem Gasherd): „Sie schmelzen zu langsamen schwarzen Bakelittränen, die giftig und groß und schwer in die Flammen tropfen, verloren, untröstlich, und färben das Feuer manganblau, gewitterlila, signalgrün“ (Danke, Oskar!)
Geschichten mit explodierenden Espressokännchen

(Quelle: Douglas Adams . Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis)
Sprecher & Puppenspieler: Robert Reckin
It’s the end of the pandemic year 2020 so the Coffeebots chose a wonderful christmas-song by one of the greatest bands ever to sing-a-long:
Fairytale of New York by The Pogues
Of course the filming took place considering the social distancing rules and it kind of matches the beautiful lyrics.
Thanks a lot to Miriam who helped puppeteering and filming.
Whish you all nice and relaxed holidays and a geat 2021!
Press-Release from the Coffeebots:

We are working on a theatre play to be performed live. It will be a marionette puppet extravaganza full of robots, coffee, punkrock space shanties, and algorithmic capitalism. Our play will use the language of the Internet: Easy English with heavy accents and lots of technobabble. The working title is „Never mind the gig work… here’s the Coffeebots!“
Premiere is scheduled later this year at the Remote Chaos Experience (rC3) after winter solistice and before New Year. On bord of c-base. More live shows will follow. See you soon and stay awake!
Due to some fuckin virus we recorded the first act of the play on video. Acts 2 & 3 will hopefully follow soon…
Schön, Peter Kurzeck so mit dem aktuellen Mokka- Kaffee- Kannen-Punk- Marionetten- Theater verknüpft zu sehen.