Here’s some photos from Ars Electronica 2021 in Linz.
Spot the robot-dog cardboard cat – „Schroedingers Rat“
Here’s some photos from Ars Electronica 2021 in Linz.
Our first guest-performance in Austria!
Roboexotica is a great festival for cocktailrobotics happening since 1999. It tookplace for the first time in Linz this year organized by the artist collective dh5. Well, we thought that would be the perfect place for the Coffeebots to play, followed the call for robots and got invited. So we paused the work on the upcoming theatre play (Yes, it will be a Sci-Fi story) and put together a program packed with songs about longdrinks, booze and cocktails and started rehearsing.
Beginning of September johl and e-punc got the Bots ready for the journey and boarded the train. Arriving in Linz we got a warm welcome by the great people at culture space „Damen & Herrenstraße 5“. So here’s a shoutout to the cocktail-robots and their makers: