Science Fiction Puppet Theatre

Press-Release from the Coffeebots:

We are working on a theatre play to be performed live. It will be a marionette puppet extravaganza full of robots, coffee, punkrock space shanties, and algorithmic capitalism. Our play will use the language of the Internet: Easy English with heavy accents and lots of technobabble. The working title is „Never mind the gig work… here’s the Coffeebots!“

Premiere is scheduled later this year at the Remote Chaos Experience (rC3) after winter solistice and before New Year. On bord of c-base. More live shows will follow. See you soon and stay awake!

We are still looking for help:

Voice actress & puppeteer for Lady Machiatta.
We have a plan.
We have a play.
We need your talent.

If you are interested please mail to coffeebots (ät)

Noch sind die 50 nicht voll!

Der kleene Elektropunker hat mal wieder eine vollständige Sonnenumrundung geschafft. Da bei der letzten Geburtstagsparty unangemeldet so eine blöde weltweite Seuche dazwischengekommen ist, wird dieses Jahr richtig gefeiert. Corona-konform im Kyberraum. In der virtuellen Welt. Unter der Brücke der Datenautobahn, wo sich die Einsen und Nullen gute Nacht sagen.
Der Gentleman-Loser und das Afterlife sind leider ausgebucht, aber im Work-Adventure-Space der c-base gibt’s eine fantastische 16-Bit-2D-Game-Umgbung wo wir uns treffen können.

Freue mich drauf, Euch alle mal wiederzusehen, wenn’s auch nur auf dem Schirm ist.

The Coffebots play: Fairytale of New York

It’s the end of the pandemic year 2020 so the Coffeebots chose a wonderful christmas-song by one of the greatest bands ever to sing-a-long:
Fairytale of New York by The Pogues
Of course the filming took place considering the social distancing rules and it kind of matches the beautiful lyrics.
Thanks a lot to Miriam who helped puppeteering and filming.

Whish you all nice and relaxed holidays and a geat 2021!


Wird ja langsam Zeit für eine Energiewende, insofern setzt sich hier Dottore Spiralo für den Wechsel von Gas zu Solarzellen ein, um seinen Espresso zu machen…

Kleiner Clip für einen Video-Wettbewerb zum Thema „Energiewende“. Dank an u-dit für Requisite und Support. Den Track hat Eberhard Baschien für die Coffeebots komponiert und eingespielt. (Hier übrigens die Gewinner-Videos, wir sind nicht unter die ersten drei gekommen)
Small clip for a video-contest „Energy-Transition“. Thanks to u-dit for props and support. Music by Eberhard Baschien.

Welcome to

Around the year 2000 a few friends and me had a band called „Elektrosmog“. So I got the domain and with it the second one (that’s kind of where my nickname originated as well). It was a self-html-styled homepage with some of our songs. Well, the band split up and I continued the page as a calender for concerts and events in Berlin with a newsletter for some 50 people (who hardly ever came to the concerts or demos but always liked reading it to know what strange events were happening).

I changed the homepage to a wordpress-weblog later, linking videoclips, my vectorgraphics and the like. At some point the site got crashed and I didn’t bother enough to keep working on it. (Must have been around 2012 or so)

So now here we go with Version 3.0! I’m planning to put together some old stuff scattered on different platforms as an online archive, but also use it to publish new content. So I start again now, in spring 2020, with my Corona-Project. Combinig my hobbies music, theatre, animation and video using the skills I picked up over the years. So, have fun with the COFFEEBOTS!