Healthy and happy new year to all you puppet fans out there!
Next chance to see our coffeebots movie will be on February 1st at the Madonna Bar in Kreuzberg (Wiener Strasse 22, 10999 Berlin) on Spreewaldplatz near the Görlitzer Park, opposite the swimming pool. Starting eight o clock – Free Entry!
Madonna is a pretty legendary bar that is existing since 1984 in the heart of Kreuzberg, having been a living room for a ton of musicians, artists and all kinds of the local crowd. There are over 250 whiskeys to discover, 150 kinds of rum and quite a selection of beer from tap. Since football is shown there on a regular base, we find a large screen, a decent video-projector and a nice sound system, which makes it perfect for a screening. Oh, and smoking is still allowed – but with new air-filters you don’t have the smoke clouds from former decasdes in there.
Full disclosure: I spent over 20 years behind the bar, financing my university and years of being unemployed. I met quite a few of my best friends and hundereds of nice people there and got to know the punkrock- and dive-bar-scene around Wiener Strasse since the mid nineties…
And here you can find our Trailer

We had a great premiere in the c-base mainhall with free sparkling wine, popcorn, fancy dresses and a great audience. Thanks to everybody who joined us that night, clapped and shouted in their commentaries! After a small live performance by our favourite lip-syncing bots we watched the first official screening of „Never Mind …“ – Due to being seriously under time pressure before christmas it was also the first time the puppeteers and helpers were able to see the (almost final) version of the film. And of course all the people involved (and were healthy that night) came on stage.
And afterwards DJane Euphoria made sure we danced the rest of the night….

Only about a week later we had the honour of screening the film at the HiP conference in front of a room full of nerds, digital rights activists and security pros. Since we do have a few pretty nerdy and IT-related jokes in there, it worked just as well…
If you are interested in a screening at your favourite hackerspace, off-cinema, cultural center, etc – let us know and write a mail to coffeebots (ät) Maybe you anything about interesting puppet or film-festivals, also please let us know!